
"The purpose of this training offer is to meet the industrial requirements imposed by competition in the transport market and the mobility of goods and people. The objectives of this offer fall within the framework of preserving the availability of material goods through a coherent maintenance policy that adapts to the specificities of the equipment. Several approaches and methods will be considered, in order to improve the quality of service and the prevention risks. The training aims to provide the basic knowledge allowing the future graduate to be able to take charge of this mission. The course provided allows, at the end of the 3rd year, not only to continue studies to prepare masters, but also to integrate the socio-economic sector with appreciable competence.


"The training has a horizontal character and concerns all sectors, with the development of the railways, the automobile, the aviation, the production systems become more complex, become robotized with this many breakdowns or risks of additional breakdowns A costly stoppage (loss of production, customers delivered late), moreover, the development of high-risk sectors and modern tools lead to the implementation of maintenance. The training aims to train managers in the field of maintenance in general and in a particular way in the field of means of transport, all means combined." The training aims to train managers in the field of maintenance in general and in a particular way in the field of means of transport, all means combined."

Target level of study

BAC +3


180 crédits


3 years

Training structure

Ingénierie des transports

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Matière Enseignant(s)


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71